Ep.026: Guy Wasko on addressing vocational dissonance.


Have you ever felt stuck?

In the latest MercyCast episode, I sit down with my friend Guy Wasko, who's not just a pastor and chaplain, but also an entrepreneur. Guy shares his personal story of reaching the pinnacle of his career only to feel like something vital was missing. He wondered if there was more to life than what he was experiencing. He was experiencing vocational dissonance.

But here's where it gets fascinating – Guy's journey led him to a different kind of solution, a life-changing process called the Life Plan. It's not about making you a millionaire or guaranteeing a perfect life. Still, it's about discovering who you are, learning your story, uncovering your core values, and finding your purpose amid adversity.

Think about it: how would it feel to have a guide who can help you navigate your own life's journey? To uncover the clues from your past, recognize your unique strengths, and create a strategic plan that aligns with your values and passions? This episode isn't just a conversation about careers; it's about identity, belonging, and purpose – the things that make us human.

Highlights from the conversation:

  • How to Navigate Change.

  • Aligning your purpose and Identity.

  • Small steps that lead to big impact.

  • Crafting a Life Plan.

Listen to the full episode:

You can follow Guy on Twitter and Instagram. If you listened to the episode and want to create your own Life Plan with Guy, find out more here!

Thanks for listening. We want to hear from you!

Email us at info@mercycast.com.

For more conversations like this one, check out my book, Vulnerable: Rethinking Human trafficking:


Ep.027: Sue Detweiler on spiritual healing.


Ep.025: Diana Gerson on leveraging your story to care for others.