Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.055: Tamara Pflug on navigating social anxiety.

Have you ever felt stressed at the thought of being around others?

In this episode, I discuss social anxiety with Tamara Pflug, a fun and confidence coach. That's her role to help others embrace fun and confidence in their daily lives. So, I had to have her on the show to help us understand social anxiety and find a way forward. We explore the rise of social anxiety during the pandemic and the challenges of re-entering social situations. Tamara shares her personal experience of comparing herself to others and how she recognized that her thoughts were not reality. We discuss the life cycle of social anxiety and the importance of paying attention to thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Tamara emphasizes accepting and embracing social anxiety as a part of our humanity.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.054: Andi Andrew on embracing change.

Do you like change?

When I first met Andi in a church office in lower Manhattan, neither of us had any idea of the transition we would face in the coming year. In this conversation, Andi Andrew, author of the new book Braving Change: Release the Past, Welcome Growth, and Trust Where God is Leading You, and I discuss the challenges and opportunities of personal transitions. We explore the role of guides in navigating change and the importance of processing grief and loss. More than anything, we discuss the need to release the past and create a game plan for moving forward. As you listen, I hope you are encouraged to view change as an opportunity for growth and transformation, allowing it to shape and mold us into the likeness of Christ.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.053: Bradley Gray on finding hope in despair and disappointment.

Is it possible to suffer well?

Before you turn away from this episode, I promise that if you listen, the answer will leave you more hopeful than when you started.

In this installment, I pick the brain of Bradley Gray, pastor and author of the book 'Finding God in the Darkness.' We discuss the importance of suffering honestly and embracing vulnerability. As you know, we do not shy away from vulnerability on the MercyCast. Suffering is a part of the human experience, and grace is available to us in our darkest moments. We explore the law and gospel paradigm, highlighting the objective truth of the gospel and the freedom it brings.

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Interviews Raleigh Sadler Interviews Raleigh Sadler

Ep.052: Emily Thiroux Threatt on grief and happiness.

Sure, you can multitask, but can you be happy and sad simultaneously?

In this episode, I explore the interplay between grief and happiness with Emily Theroux-Threatt, author of the Grief and Happiness Handbook and host of the Grief and Happiness podcast. Our conversation delves into the possibility of experiencing both grief and happiness simultaneously and the process of finding purpose after experiencing loss. Emily shares her journey of losing her husband(s) and how she discovered her purpose through writing and helping others navigate grief. We also discuss the significance of being present in the moment, employing writing to process emotions, and discovering joy. This conversation is a must-listen episode for those interested in understanding the coexistence of grief and happiness, the personal journey of finding purpose after loss, and the power of writing and mindfulness techniques.

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